Thursday, January 27, 2011

Christmas Time!

Christmas Tree Decorating! Ava really got into it this year.
 She loved putting the ornaments on.
The finished project.

 At our annual Secret Santa party, Ava got a new purple piggy friend who she insisted needed to be in the picture.

 At the Annual Christmas Eve party, Ava joined in the music making to welcome Santa, but when it was her turn to sit on Santa's lap, she refused.  She loves Christmas, but despises Santa and won't go near him.  Daniel has had many phone conversations with Santa telling him that he is not welcome in our home and that he should drop off the presents outside.  
 Daddy sitting on Santa for Ava so she could get her Christmas Eve present.

 Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

Shandra said...

It looked like you had a big helper with your tree! She is so funny about Santa! I wonder if it's something she will grow out of? :)